Location Data Fields

Utilize the following table to determine which parameters to include in your data feed file. Data fields are case sensitive. Ensure that the column headers match the listed parameters exactly. Since more than one file may be submitted, it is possible that each file contains different (more or less) data fields. As example, an update file may only include the identifying column(s) and address fields to update these data points. Organizations must create separate files for location additions and location updates.

Any identified fields included in the file will be updated. Consequently, if a row of data does not contain a value for the field, then that field will be updated with a null or empty value for that field. As example, if the row ‘name’ is included in the file then any row in which the ‘name’ field is empty will result in the Guardian location record’s name field becoming empty as a result of the data feed. Any fields not defined within the file are ignored during record update.


Parameter Description Type Max Required for Creation
ID.name Identifying column parameter name; use when the location record can be identified by the location name field string 80 Conditional1
ID.number Identifying column parameter name; use when the location record can be identified by the location number field; use in conjunction with ID.name if the location name is not unique string 15 Conditional1
name Location’s name string 80 Yes2
number Location’s number string 255 Conditional2
everifyLocation Location’s E-Verify status; When false, E-Verify is enabled for the location invert_bool N/A No
overrideMinEmploymentAge Utilize the override function if this location’s minimum age requirement differs from the default minimum age requirement set at the organization level bool N/A No
minEmploymentAge Defines location’s minimum age requirement; The minimum employment age override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field int N/A No
overrideWorkdays Utilize the override function if this location’s days of operation differ from the default work days set at the organization level. bool N/A No
workMonday Defines if location is open Mondays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workTuesday Defines if location is open Tuesdays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workWednesday Defines if location is open Wednesdays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workThursday Defines if location is open Thursdays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workFriday Defines if location is open Fridays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workSaturday Defines if location is open Saturdays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workSunday Defines if location is open Sundays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
workHolidays Defines if location is open federal holidays; The Workdays override must be enabled (i.e. Y) to use this field bool N/A No
addressStreet Location’s physical street address string 80 No
addressStreet2 Location’s physical street address string 80 No
addressCity Location’s city address string 50 No
addressState Location’s state address string 20 Yes
addressCountry Location’s country address string 50 No
addressZip Location’s zip code address string 10 No
phoneNumber Main phone number string N/A No
faxNumber Fax number string N/A No


1 You must send one or both identifying columns when attempting to update existing records. Utilize one or a combination of values for both in order to successfully locate existing records.


2 Location Name or Location Name and Location Number (if name is not unique within the organization), and the Location State must be included when creating a location record. Omission of one or more of these fields will result in an error.