Group Data Fields

Utilize the following table to determine which parameters to include in your data feed file. Data fields are case sensitive. Ensure that the column headers match the listed parameters exactly. Only utilize those field types that are configured for your hierarchy (i.e. Legal Entity, Location, or Custom Fields).

Parameter Description Type Max Required
root This represents the company-level (i.e. top) of the hierarchy bool N/A No The name of the applicable legal entity, if used in your hierarchy string 80 Conditional1
locationId.name2 The name of the applicable location, if used in your hierarchy; If name is not unique you must also send the location’s number as well string 80 Conditional1
locationId.number2 The number of the application location, if used in your hierarchy (this must be sent with if location uniqueness cannot be determined by name alone) string 80 Conditional1
custom1 The first activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom2 The second activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom3 The third activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom4 The fourth activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom5 The fifth activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom6 The sixth activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom7 The seventh activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
custom8 The eighth activated organization-defined custom field string 80 Conditional1
userId.profileId Employee’s company-issued identification string 80 Conditional3
revokeOwnership Directive to remove the user from managing the identified group bool N/A No


1 Fields utilized in your organization’s hierarchy must be included columns in order to create new employee groups, or assignment management to other than the root node.

2 If location is used in the hierarchy then include its parameter value. If only one of the location fields is specified, then it is used alone to determine the location level value, but it must be unique among all of the locations in the company or a lookup error will occur.

3 Include the parameter userId.profileId to identify the user in which you wish to assign or revoke management for a specified user.