E-Verify Status Update

The integrated workflow includes status updates that detail steps in the E-Verify process. External applications may not receive a status update for each step of the E-Verify process depending on the speed with which the process is completed. Status updates are sent either as PATCH or POST requests to the defined API endpoint, depending on compatibility of the external application. The employee is identified by integrationCandidateId which is included in the request URL or the payload. The information in the payload allows users to take action and make decisions from within the external application. Next step details provide context as to who must take action and by when. The included URL allows authorized individuals to quickly jump to the relevant webpage within the Guardian interface. These requests utilize the http basic authentication method.

The integrated I-9 workflow includes status updates that follow the steps in the E-Verify process. These status updates are sent as PATCH requests to the partner-defined API endpoint. The information in the payload allows users to take action and make decisions from within the partner’s interface. Next step details provide context as to who must take action and by when. The included URL allows authorized individuals to quickly jump to the relevant webpage within the Guardian interface. Patch requests utilize the http basic authentication method.






Parameter Description Type
eVerifyStatusCode 3-4 letter code that identifies the current state of the E-Verify case string
eVerifyResolutionCode 4-6 letter code that identifies the E-Verify case closure statement string
eVerifyStatusMessage Message related to the current state of the E-Verify case string
eVerifyResolutionMessage Message related to the E-Verify case closure string
eVerifyNextStep The next action within the E-Verify workflow string
eVerifyNextStepDueDate The date the next action should be completed date
eVerifyUrl Link that takes the authorized user to the applicable employee page within Guardian string


E-Verify Status

The following tables list the payload of the status requests. Column headers denote the parameters while the row values represent the various payload description. Requests will always return only one status update. The information in the E-Verify URL column represent the landing pages associated to the URL destination.

The table lists all available E-Verify statuses and the next step for each status. Each status Includes the next step due date if relevant, URL link endpoint, and special notes. Not all/every status update related to the E-Verify process may be sent from Guardian due to the speed with which the process is completed.

E-Verify Status
E-Verify Status Message
Next Step
Next Step Due Date
E-Verify URL
N/A Case Submitted Process E-Verify Case Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page
N/A Submission Error Process E-Verify Case Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page
INFO Additional Info Needed Process E-Verify Case Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page
SSNN Social Security Number Needed Amend I-9 Employee Start date E-Verify Page
IDUP Additional Info Needed Process E-Verify Case Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page
TNCP Tentative NonConfirmation-Pending Process E-Verify Case E-Verify submission date E-Verify Page
FCO4 DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation-Referred Process E-Verify Case DHS deadline E-Verify Page
PRSS SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation-Referred Process E-Verify Case Date referred + 8 federal government workdays E-Verify Page
RTCA Ready to resolve: Authorized Close E-Verify Case E-Verify submission date E-Verify Page
RTCM Ready to resolve: No Show Close E-Verify Case E-Verify submission date E-Verify Page
RTCN Ready to resolve: Not Authorized Close E-Verify Case E-Verify submission date E-Verify Page
CRCV Case Closed No Further Action Required None Employee Page
CRCV Case Invalid Resubmit Data Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page
ERR An Internal Error Occurred Resubmit Data Start date + 3 company work days E-Verify Page


E-Verify Resolution

The following table lists the various case closure resolutions. This information is returned in the payload when the case has been closed by the user. Column headers denote the payload parameters.

E-Verify Resolution
E-Verify Resolution Message
EELIG The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving an Employment Authorized result.
EAUTH The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving an Employment Authorized result.
EFNC The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving a Final Non confirmation result.
ENOACT The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving a No Show result. Employer retains employee.
EUNCNT The employee continues to work for the employer after choosing not to contest a Tentative Non confirmation.
TRMFNC The employee was terminated by the employer for receiving a Final Non confirmation result.
EQUIT The employee voluntarily quit working for the employer.
TERM The employee was terminated by the employer for reasons other than E-Verify.
NOACT The employee was terminated by the employer for receiving a No Show result.
UNCNT The employee was terminated by the employer for choosing not to contest a Tentative Non confirmation.
DUP The case is invalid because another case with the same data already exists.
INCDAT The case is invalid because the data entered is incorrect.



E-Verify Status Request

 ""eVerifyStatusCode"": ""CRCV"",
 ""eVerifyResolutionCode"": ""EELIG"",
 ""eVerifyStatusMessage"": ""Case Closed"",
 ""eVerifyResolutionMessage"": ""The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving an Employment Authorized result."",
 ""eVerifyNextStep"": ""No Further Action Required"",
 ""eVerifyNextStepDueDate"": """",
 ""eVerifyUrl"": ""https://<server>/4DCGI/WEB_Login_URL/123/EverifyMod/123456/""